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Take the Next

Step of FAITH

Christianity Explored Group

Day and Time:           

Sunday afternoon following the 11:00AM service 

Leader:  Pastor Ray


Christianity Explored is designed to help participants explore 3 questions that are at the heart of Christianity.

Who was Jesus?
Why did he come?
What is involved in following him? 

If you have wondered about these and other aspects of Christianity, you are invited to join us to explore these and any other questions you may have about the Jesus and the Christian faith.

Group Audience:           

Christianity Explored is designed for any that are interested in exploring Christianity. If you have questions about Jesus, his life and work, or what it means to be a follower of Jesus, this is the the group for you. No prior knowledge of the Bible or the Christian faith is required. Just an honest desire to explore the Christian faith is the only prerequisite. 


The Christianity Explored video series and accompanying study guide, introduces us to Jesus through the Gospel of Mark. The intent of the study is to help participants grasp a clear understanding of what the Gospel is, as well as a foundational understanding of salvation, discipleship, and the person of Jesus as presented in Mark’s gospel.


Christianity Explored will last 10 sessions beginning on Sunday, March14, ending Sunday, May 30. Sessions will be held weekly and will last 90 minutes.                                                   


Christianity Explored groups will typically begin with a time of sharing, followed by a teaching and discussion time which will include a chance to ask questions concerning the material and the Christian faith. Each week includes additional reading in Mark’s gospel and material for deeper reflection.


Christianity Explored will meet in the Church Café after the 11:00AM service  

For more information on Christianity Explored our our Life Groups, please contact Pastor Ray